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- Oberbegriff:
- Luftverkehr
[ACOSM01] Air Carrier Operations System Model
[AGMF04] Global Market Forecast 2003-2022
[AI07] Global Market Forecast 2006-2025
[AIEn06] Environmental, Social and Economic Report - The Airbus Way - the global approach
[airh02] Avoiding Air Travel Thrombosis (ATT)
[BACO99] Demand Uncertainty, Capacity Constraints and Airline Network Morphology: To Hub or Not to Hub?
[BCAG01] Onboard Inert Gas Generation System/Onboard Oxygen Gas Generation System (OBIGGS/OBOGS) Study
[BCAG95] Commercial Airliner Environmental Control System-Engineering Aspects of Cabin Air Quality
[BEA02] Accident on 25 July 2000 at La Patte d´Oie in Gonesse (95) to the Concorde registered F-BTSD operated by Air France
[Beeks00] A study to determine the specific contributors to U.S. airline passenger air rage
[Bina05] Integration des Flug- und Eisenbahnverkehrs und ihre Realisierung in der Tschechischen Republik
[BMA04] The impact of flying on passenger health:a guide for healthcare professionals
[BMVBS08b] Neue Fluggastrechte für mobilitätseingeschränkte und behinderte Menschen
[BMVBW97c] Anforderungen an Kinderrückhaltesysteme in Luftfahrzeugen
[Burm04c] Mit dem Zug zum Flug: Jetzt auch am Airport Köln / Bonn
[Butt05a] The European Market for Airline and transportation and multimodalism
[CAA00a] Benefit Analysis for Aircraft 16-g Dynamic Seats
[CAA02a] A Benefit Analysis for Enhanced Protection from Fires in Hidden Areas on Transport Aircraft
[CAA03] Effects of Interference from Cellular Telephones on Aircraft Avionic Equipment
[CAA03a] A Benefit Analysis for Cabin Water Spray Systems and Enhanced Fuselage Burnthrough Protection
[CAA04] Cabin Air Quality - CAA PAPER 2004/04
[CAA91] Proceedings of the European Cabin Safety Conference 1990
[CAT05] CAT befördert mehr Gäste
[CDC04] Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
[DBAG08j] Individuelle Klimabilanz bei Reisen europaweit berechnen
[dft04] Protection of air crew from cosmic radiation: Guidance material
[DGAC01] Regulatory Study on Emergency Evacuations. Final Synthesis and Recommendations
[DGAC02] Identification of usable exits in the event of a survivable crash
[DGAC98] Communication Tools in the Context of Survivable Accidents, Cabin Crew Awareness of External and Internal Threats
[Dick01] Schienenanbindung des Flughafens Köln/Bonn
[DiSc03] Flughafen Köln / Bonn: Ab 2004 mit dem Zug unter das neue Terminal
[DLH13] Zehn Jahre erfolgreicher AIRail Dienst
[DOT99b] A Benefit Analysis for Nitrogen Inerting of Aircraft Fuel Tanks Against Ground Fire Explosion
[Dres07] Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Luft-Schiene-Kooperationen zur Substitution von Zubringerflügen
[Duff05] Airports as multimodal interchange nodes - the example of London Heathrow
[DVWG273] 11. Luftverkehrsforum der DVWG - Luftverkehrsmärkte der Zukunft - Entwicklung des Luftverkehrsraums USA-EU: Welche Chancen hat Deutschland?
[EgGr01] Konzept und Projekte der Integration von Bahn und Flugverkehr in NRW
[EiKn04] Potential and Limitations of Air-rail Links - a General Overview
[ETSC96] Increasing the Survival Rate in Aircraft Accidents - impact protection, fire survivability and evacuation
[FAA01a] Statement-Air Rage
[FAA04a] FAA Aerospace Forecast-fiscal Years 2004-2015
[FAANLA97] Impact of New Large Aircraft on Airport Design
[FLDU04] Beste Bahnanbindung Deutschlands: Alle drei Minuten mit dem Zug zum Düsseldorfer Airport
[FSF00] Cabin Crew Must Capture Passengers` Attention in Predeparture Safety Briefings
[FSF03] Inflatable Restraints Installed on Some Transport Aircraft
[FSF97] FAA, Pilots and Flight Attendants Propose Measures to Reduce Passenger Interference with Cabin Crews
[GAO01] Airline Industry Emergency Assistance-Briefing to Congressional Requesters September 28, 2001
[GAO03] Aviation Assistance:Information on Payments Made Under the Disaster Relief and Insurance Reimbursements Programs
[Gow94] FAA Tests Indicate Most Child Restraint Devices Inadequate in Airline Passenger-seat Use
[Hein93a] Lufthansa stoppt Airport Express
[Hen99] Potentiale für die Verlagerung von Expressgutdiensten auf den Passagierluftverkehr in Europa und Auswirkungen auf ausgewählte Schadstoffemissionen am Beispiel Deutschlands
[IARO07] IARO Yearbook 2007
[ICAO03a] Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)-ICAO Aviation Medicine Section
[ICAO03b] ICAO develops anti-SARS protective measures for international airports
[JAA01a] Anthropometric Study to Update Minimum Aircraft Seating Standards
[JEC01] Assessing Losses for the Airline Industry and Its Workers in the Aftermath of the Terrorist Attacks
[Job01] Eine neue Art des Bahnfahrens
[Jung99] Anbindung von Flughäfen an Eisenbahn-Fernstrecken
[Knut01b] Air-Rail collaboration: Will it be heaven or hell? Conference Report
[Koch02b] Gesundheitsberichterstattung des Bundes-Heft02/01-Gesundheitsprobleme bei Fernreisen
[Koen97] Exit-locating devices, Aircraft structural Strengthening and Improved Crew Drills Called "Most Practicable" Accident-survivability Factors
[Krie06] Airport rail links must focus on SERVICE
[LoAn03] The Effects of High-Speed Rail on the Reduction of Air Traffic Congestion
[Meye02c] Fernbahnhöfe an Flughäfen
[Muel02] Nutzung elektronischer Geräte an Bord von Luftfahrzeugen
[Narv99] The Oslo Airport Express Train
[Ohrs04] Mit dem Zug zum Flug - Integration von Bahn- und Flugverkehr in Norwegen
[Pope03] A380 evacuation - a smooth slide to safety
[PRR05] PRR 2005 - Performance Review Report
[Reut03a] Mit Bahnen und Bussen zum Flug
[Saut07] Nutzungsanreize und -hemmnisse innovativer multimodaler Kooperationsmodelle im Personenfernverkehr anhand des Fallbeispiels Night&Flight
[Saut07a] Unkomplizierte Komplizen - neue Wege der Luft-Schiene-Kooperation
[Sche00] Intermodality at Frankfurt Airport -passenger transport-
[Schi04e] Bahnanbindung des Flughafens Köln / Bonn in Betrieb
[Schn99c] Preisbeurteilung als Determinante der Verkehrsmittelwahl
[Schu97] Im Zug zum Flug
[Schw01b] Air Rage: Screaming for International Uniformity
[ScWi97] Do rail stations at airports allow a better distribution of air passenger transport demand among airports?
[SES1207] SESAR D3 Feedback Report
[SESAB07] The ATM Target Concept Deliverable 3 at a glance
[SESAR07] The ATM Target Concept D3
[SESAR08] The ATM Deployment Sequence D4
[Shar99] Flughafenanbindungen
[SPIE04] Bei verpasstem Flug muss Bahn nicht zahlen
[SpRR00] Injury Criteria for Enhanced Passive Safety in Aircraft (ICEPS)
[SZ2002] Kein schöner Zug
[TSB03] Aviation Investigation Report - In-Flight Fire Leading to Collision with Water - Swissair Transport Limited - McDonnell Douglas MD-11 HB-IWF - Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia 5 nm SW - 2 September 1998
[VCinf03] Solar Flares-war da was? Strahlenschutz in der Fliegerei: Nichts hören, nichts sehen, nichts sagen
[Vill01] Flughafenzubringer "Heathrow Express"
[Weib02] Das bimodale Angebot "TGV AIR"
[WHO04] WHO launches study of venous thrombosis and air travel
[WilBe05] Airport Choice in Germany - New Empirical Evidence of the German Air Traveller Survey 2003 -
[WRI02] The WRIGHT Project on Air Travel and Venous Thromboembolism