- Gültig für:
- Projekt
- Oberbegriff:
- Luftverkehr
[ACI01] The Next Stage in Noise Abatement Policy
[ACI03] Fast Facts-die europäische Luftransportindustrie hat sich zwecks der Darstellung ihrer sektorspezifischen Schlüsselfakten zusammengeschlossen
[ACI03a] Financing civil aviation security costs in Europe
[ACI04a] ACI Europe position paper on the application of biometrics at airports
[ACI04c] Urgent need for airport security funding in Europe
[ACTRL03] Multilateration Innsbruck
[ADV01] Voraussetzung für die Verkehrssicherheit - Kontrolle der Flugbetriebsflächen
[ADV01a] Bleifrei in die Lüfte - Versorgung der allgemeinen Luftfahrt mit MOGAS
[ADV02a] Luftqualität am Flughafen
[ADV04] Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Verkehrsflughäfen ADV
[ADV04a] Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Verkehrsflughäfen (ADV) appeliert an den Bundesrat: Luftsicherheitsgesetz mit Augenmaß gestalten
[AEA96] AEA Yearbook 1996
[AECMA99] European Aerospace Idustry Team to Reduce Aircraft Noise
[Agos00] Development of a Chemical Surrogate for JP-8 Aviation Fuel Using a Pressurized Flow Reactor
[AirBP00] Air BP-Handbook of Products
[Ande01] Planung und Realität des neuen Flughafen-Fernbahnhofs in Düsseldorf
[ANSV04] Aircraft Investigation Report-Final Report-Accident involved Aircraft Boeing MD-87 and Cessna 525-A, Milano Linate Airport, October 8, 2001
[ASA00a] Airservices Australia - GNSS Activities
[ASA00b] Ground Based Regional Augmentation System Architectures and Performance
[ASA01] Ground-Based Regional Augmentation System Description and Operational Concept
[ASA02a] Flight Testing of the D8PSK/TDMA Datalink Technology for the Ground-based Regional Augmentation System
[ASCE04] Analyzing the Impact of Integrating Pseudolites Observables into a GPS/INS System
[ASeA00] A Ground-based Regional Augmentation System (GRAS) - The Australian Proposal
[Ashf92] Airport engineering
[ATSB03] Runway Incursions: 1997 - 2001
[Bayr01] Regelungen und Maßnahmen zur Minderung des Fluglärms im Rahmen der Genehmigung von Flugplätzen
[BBI05] Wirtschaftliche Effekte des Airports Berlin Brandenburg International BBI
[BCAG00] Alaska Airlines Pioneers RNP RNAV Operations
[BCAG02a] Continuing Work on Aircraft Noise Reduction
[Beal02] LAAS complex Procedure Development Plan for the Memphis Terminal Area
[Berb99a] Flughafenbahnhöfe
[BETA02] Analysis of Results from BETA (Operational Benefit Evaluation by Testing an A-SMGCS) Trials (Phase 1)
[BeWi06] Flughafenwahl und Einzugsgebiete der internationalen Verkehrsflughäfen Deutschlands
[BjSu00] The Global Transport Market. A tremendous investment opportunity.
[BMI03] Begründung zum Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Neuregelung von Luftsicherheitsaufgaben
[BMVBS08b] Neue Fluggastrechte für mobilitätseingeschränkte und behinderte Menschen
[BMVBW03c] Konzeption einer optimierten Anwendung von Wetterradardaten für das Air Traffic Management am Flughafen Frankfurt - Schlussbericht
[BMVBW04] Gegenstände, die bei Flugreisen von Fluggästen nicht mit in die Flugzeugkabine genommen werden dürfen beziehungsweise im aufgegebenen Gepäch verboten sind
[BMVBW97b] Erarbeitung von Zulassungsanforderungen für satellitengestützte Navigations- und Landesysteme
[Burm04c] Mit dem Zug zum Flug: Jetzt auch am Airport Köln / Bonn
[BusT04] Steigerung der Flughafen-Kapazität durch Modellierung und Optimierung von Flughafen-Boden-Rollverkehr - Ein Beitrag zu einem künftigen Rollführungssystem (A-SMGCS)
[CAA00d] Certification Criteria Supporting RNAV Approach Operations
[CAA01a] Visual Aids Handbook - CAP637
[CAA01b] The use of Motor Gasoline Fuels (MOGAS) in aircraft and the current situation regarding Aviation Gasoline (AVGAS)
[CAA01c] Secondary Trading in Airport Slots: A Consultation Paper
[CAA03h] Meteorological Observations at Aerodromes
[CAA03k] Airside Safety Management - CAP642
[CAASD01a] FAA LAAS Specification: Requirement for Performance Type 1
[CAASD01b] LAAS Performance for Terminal Area Navigation
[CAASD04] A Survey of Possible Methods for Mitigating the Impact of Radio Frequency Interference on Satellite Navigation Systems Used for Precision Approach
[CaGov03] The Myth of Security at Canada's Airports
[CASSD04] Alternative Obstacle Clearance Criteria for RNP RNAV Instrument Approaches
[CAT05] CAT befördert mehr Gäste
[Cave01] AEROCERT - Work Package 2 Report: Review of current aircraft operating procedures and their consequences for noise in the community relative to certification procedures.
[CDC04] Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
[Chal00] Evaluation of data analysis for a regional GPS/GLONASS network
[Chev00] Technical Review-Aviation Fuels
[Clar98] A Systems Analysis Methodology for Developing Single Event Noise Abatement Procedures
[Coss04] Precise Engineering Applications of Pseudolites Augmented GNSS
[DfT04a] Noise from Arriving Aircraft
[DGAC04] GNSS Approach Status
[DGTren04] Study on Civil Aviation Security Financing
[DLR02d] First Steps in the Development of Handling Qualities Criteria for a Civil Tiltrotor
[DLR04b] Abschlusspräsentation Projekt Leiser Flugverkehr - Lärmarme An- und Abflugverfahren
[DLR04c] Engines as Pacemakers for Reduction of Noise and Emission
[DLR04d] Leiser Flugverkehr - Abschlussbericht
[Doe04] Entwicklung von Verfahrenskriterien für Präzisionsanflüge der Betriebsstufe I unter Verwendung bodenaugmentierter Satellitensysteme
[DOI04] Aviation Transport of Hazardous Materials-Handbook
[DOI94] Aviation Fuel Handling Handbook
[DOT01b] Recommended Security Guidelines for Airport Planning, Design and Construction
[DoT01d] Runway Safety: It s Everybody s Business
[DOT99b] A Benefit Analysis for Nitrogen Inerting of Aircraft Fuel Tanks Against Ground Fire Explosion
[Duff05] Airports as multimodal interchange nodes - the example of London Heathrow
[DVF03] Fakten zum Luftverkehrsstandort Deutschland
[ECAC01] ECAC Ground and Taxi Accidents Rates Conformance with A-SMGCS Level of Safety
[ECAC96] ECAC Environmental Policy Statement
[ECAC97] Report on Standard Method of Computing Noise Contours around Civil Airports
[ECAP02] Study on the quality and efficency of ground handling services at EU airports as a result of the implementation of Counicl Directive 96/67/EC
[ECTR00] Mode S deployment at Airports in Europe: Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems Information notice
[ECTR00a] Transition Plan for the Implementation of the Navigation Strategy in ECAC 2000-2015+
[ECTR00b] Airport Operations Strategy Volume 1
[ECTR01] Guidelines on Runway Capacity Enhancements
[ECTR01g] Airport Operations Strategy Volume 2
[ECTR01i] CFMU Central Flow Management Unit-Making optimum use of Europe's airspace
[ECTR01l] Integrating Environmental Issues into Air Traffic Management (ATM) Operations
[ECTR03n] A comparison of performance in selected US and European En-route Centres
[ECTR03p] Basic Continuous Descent Approach
[ECTR11] European Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Incursions 2.0
[ECTR97a] TOSCA-II Work Package 7-Airport Capacity Enhancement Interim Report
[ECTR99] Guidance Material for the Design of Terminal procedures for DME/DME and GNSS Area Navigation
[ECTR99c] PHARE Advanced Tools Arrival Manager - Final Report
[ECTR99d] PHARE Advanced Tools Departure Manager - Final Report
[EDDF04] More Efficent Use of Capacity
[EEC02a] EGNOS Flight Trials at Nice Airport - Noise Impact Study
[EEC02f] Error Sensitivity Analysis of the Integrated Noise Model
[EEC02g] Attitudes to Aircraft Annoyance around Airports (5A) - Focus Group Report
[EEC03a] Attitudes Towards and Values of Aircraft Annoyance and Noise Nuisance - Attitudes To Aircraft Annoyance Around Airports (5A) - Survey Report
[EEC98] Innovative Slot Allocation-ISA
[EI99] Flughafenbahnhof und Hauptbahnhof als DIPOL entwickeln
[Elal98] Die Bahnanbindung des internationalen Flughafens Mohammed V. in Casablanca
[EMMA07] European Airport Movement Management by A-SMGCS
[EMPA01] FLULA2 - Ein Verfahren zur Berechnung und Darstellung der Fluglärmbelastung
[ENAC01] ABAS - Aircraft Based Augmentation System: AAIM Aircraft Autonomous Integrity Monitoring
[EPA99] Technical Support for Development of Airport Ground Equipment Emission Reductions
[ERI04e] Inbetriebnahme der Flughafenscheibe Köln/Bonn
[ESA01] Approaching Nice with the EGNOS System Testbed
[ESA03] EGNOS European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service
[EUKom00n] SAMS-Final Report
[EUKom02o] SOURDINE II D5-1 Description of noise and emission modelling
[EUKom02p] SOURDINE II WP3 D3-1.1 Definition of new Noise Abatement Procedures
[EUKom03g] SOURDINE II D5.3 Single event noise calculations (WP5.1)
[EuKom03z] Development of the technical basis for a New Emissions Parameter covering the whole AIRcraft operation:NEPAIR-final Technical Report
[EuKom98c] ARAMIS-Advanced Runway Arrivals Management to Improve Airport Safety and Efficiency- Final Report
[FAA01] Airport Capacity Benchmark Report 2001
[FAA01c] Area Navigation (RNAV) Approach Construction
[FAA02a] Integrated Noise Model (INM) Version 6.0 Technical Manual
[FAA02c] Runway Safety Blueprint 2002-2004
[FAA02d] Evaluation of the FAA Runway Safety Program
[FAA02f] Complex Procedure Presentation
[FAA02g] LNAV/VNAV Commissioning at WAAS IOC
[FAA03d] Local Area Augmentation System-Programm Update for GBAS Working Group May 28, 2003
[FAA04a] FAA Aerospace Forecast-fiscal Years 2004-2015
[FAA04b] Runway Safety Report
[FAA04c] FAROS-Final Approach Runway Occupancy Signal
[FLDU04a] SkyTrain nimmt am 26. August den Betrieb wieder auf
[FLKB04] Flughafen-Bahnhof ist eröffnet
[FRAP05] Drehscheibe in die Zukunft - Geschäftsbericht 2004
[Frap06] Die Zukunft kann kommen. Geschäftsbericht 2005
[FRAPO03] FRA 2000 PLUS-Fragen, Argumente, Kontroversen und Antworten zum Flughafen-Ausbau
[FRAPO04] Infrastructure Optimization
[Gelh06] Flughafen- und Zugangsverkehrsmittelwahl in Deutschland - Ein verallgemeinerter Nested Logit-Ansatz
[Grah01] Managing Airports - An international perspective
[GW98] Infrastrukutrelle Anbindung der Flughäfen-die unbeachtete Subventionierung der Flugverkehrs- Eine Bestandsaufnahme-Arbeitspapier Nr.14
[Ham01] Fluglärmschutzbericht 2001
[HamAP02] Horizonte - Umwelterklärung 2002
[HaTh04] Luftverkehr und Wetter
[HELIOS03] Satellite navigation: the hidden challenge
[HenO03] Kooperativer Flughafenbetrieb
[Howe02] A Primer on Airport Security
[IATA98] Airport Handling Manual
[ICAO03a] Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)-ICAO Aviation Medicine Section
[ICAO03b] ICAO develops anti-SARS protective measures for international airports
[IEEE02] A Combined GPS Satellite/Pseudolite System for Category III Precision Landing
[IFAC03] A-SMGCS Implementation in Europe
[ILR96a] Schadstoffreduktionspotentiale durch den Einsatz von Hilfsgasturbinen (APU) durch bodenseitige Energieversorgungssysteme
[ILR97e] Untersuchung über den Einsatz bodenseitiger Energieversorgungssysteme auf deutschen Verkehrsflughäfen
[Iser01] Aircraft Environmental Impacts And Certification Criteria (AEROCERT) - Work Package 3 Report: Noise impact around civil airports - potential descriptors and ICAO noise certification
[Koch02b] Gesundheitsberichterstattung des Bundes-Heft02/01-Gesundheitsprobleme bei Fernreisen
[KüNi00] Schadstoffeinsparpotentiale Flugzeugschlepp
[Lau04] 23 Minutes to the World on Hong Kong's Airport Express
[LBA99] Übersicht Landeplatz-Lärmschutz-Verordnung vom 5. Januar 1999
[LBA99a] Bekanntmachung über Lärmzeugnisse für motorgetriebene Luftfahrzeuge vom 27.4.1999 (NfL II - 56/99)
[Lebo01] Die Bahnanbindung des Flughafens Roissy - Charles-de-Gaulle
[Lund04] Der Flughafen von Stockholm
[Maro01] Novellierung des Gesetzes zum Schutz gegen Fluglärm
[Mens14] Moderne Flugsicherung, Organisation, Verfahren, Technik
[Meye02c] Fernbahnhöfe an Flughäfen
[Meye04a] Fernbahnhöfe an Flughäfen und ihre Wirkung aus der Sicht der Hauptakteure
[MOSAI08] MOSAIC - Framework Document
[NASA00a] Runway Incursion Prevention using Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems (A-SMGCS)
[NASA01] Runway Incursion Prevention: A Technology Solution
[NASA03e] Sytem Testing Runway Incursion - A Technology Solution
[NATCA03] 2003 Air Traffic Modernization Tools
[NavC01] Runway Incursion Study at NAV CANADA ATS facilities
[NLR01] Potential descriptors for impacts of gaseous aircraft emissions (AEROCERT - WP 3)
[NPS97] Environmental Contaminants Encyclopedia-Jet Fuel
[NTSB00d] NTSB Safety Recommendation
[OECD98] Competition Policy and International Airport Services
[Payn99] Frankfurt Airport
[PoBu01] Fixing Airport Security
[Pool02] Improving Airport Passenger Screening
[PRR05] PRR 2005 - Performance Review Report
[Reut03a] Mit Bahnen und Bussen zum Flug
[Sch04] Entwicklung von Verfahrenssschutzraum für satellitengestützte Präzisionsanflüge mit bodenseitger Augmentierung
[Sche00] Intermodality at Frankfurt Airport -passenger transport-
[Schi04e] Bahnanbindung des Flughafens Köln / Bonn in Betrieb
[ScWi97] Do rail stations at airports allow a better distribution of air passenger transport demand among airports?
[Shar99] Flughafenanbindungen
[Sofr03] GOBAN: GNSS Roadmap Study-Final Report
[SOIT00] LPV Status SOIT
[SOURD00] SOURDINE - Environment Requirements and Operational Constraints
[SOURD00a] SOURDINE - Establishment of Noise Abatement Solutions
[SOURD00b] SOURDINE - Final report
[SOURD00c] SOURDINE - Requirements for tools
[SOURD00d] SOURDINE - Study of key elements acting on noise impact of aircraft in operation
[Stöc02] Ansätze für eine Neubewertung des Fluglärms
[TC03] Safety Management System for General Aviation Operators-A practical guide to implementation
[TOT02] Material Safety Data Sheet-Jet A1
[TOT03] Material Safety Data Sheet-Aviation Gasoline AVGAS 100LL
[TSA02] What Can I Bring?
[UBA03] Entwurf der neuen zivilen AzB-Flugzeugklassen
[UNIQ04a] Lärmmessungen-Lage der Messstellen-Region Flughafen Zürich
[USMIL00] Fuel User Guide 2000
[VaHa03] An Empirical Investigation of Financial and Operational Efficiency of Private Versus Public Airports
[VCD03a] Leise in die Zukunft - Der Beitrag der Industrie zur Reduktion von Verkehrslärm, Teil 1
[Volpe01] Vulnerability Assessment of the Transportation Infrastructure Relying on the Global Positioning System
[WilBe05] Airport Choice in Germany - New Empirical Evidence of the German Air Traveller Survey 2003 -
[WinH93] Flughafenkapazität - Eine Einführung in die Thematik
[WIP01] Möglichkeiten der besseren Nutzung von Zeitnischen auf Flughäfen (Slots) in Deutschland und der EU
[WuHe89] Funknavigation