[ACARE02] The Challenge of the Environment - Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) Volume 2
[ACI03] Fast Facts-die europäische Luftransportindustrie hat sich zwecks der Darstellung ihrer sektorspezifischen Schlüsselfakten zusammengeschlossen
[ACI03a] Financing civil aviation security costs in Europe
[AEC02] Aircraft Related R & TD for Framework Programme 6 - Towards the GoP 2020 Vision
[AECMA01a] European Cooperation in Aerospace Research and Technology
[AECMA03] The European Aerospace Industry-Facts and Figures 2002
[AGA95] Flight Vehicle Integration Panel Workshop on Pilot Induced Oscillations
[ANSV04] Aircraft Investigation Report-Final Report-Accident involved Aircraft Boeing MD-87 and Cessna 525-A, Milano Linate Airport, October 8, 2001
[ASD04] AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe-A New Association
[ASD10] 2010 Facts & Figures Civil and Defence Aerospace
[ATA02b] Environmental Fuel Taxes
[BCAG02] World air Cargo Forecast 2002/2003
[BMBF02f] Chance für Deutschland und Europa-Das 6. Forschungsrahmenprogramm
[BMV96] Untersuchungen mit dem Integrated Noise Model
[BMVBW03l] Verkehr in Zahlen 2003/2004
[BuHa82] Werkstoffe hoher Beanspruchung am Beispiel der Luftfahrt
[CAASD01] Validation of the Feasibility of Coexistence of the New Civil GPS Signal (L5) with Existing Systems
[CAEP01] Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection - Fifth Meeting - Montreal, 8-17 January 2001 - Report CAEP/5
[CAEP95a] Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection - Third Meeting - Montreal, 5-15 December 1995 - Report CAEP/3
[CAEP98] Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection - Fourth Meeting - Montreal, 6-8 April 1998 - Report CAEP/4
[CART02] The National Academy of Sciences-Committee on Aeronautics Research and Technology for Vision 2050
[CDM00] Traffic Flow Management - Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) - Concept and Description
[CDM98] C.D.M - Collaborative Decision Making
[DAeC03a] Europäische Lizenzen Änderungen LuftPersV JAR / FCL
[DAeC04] Information zur Bearbeitung des Themenschwerpunktes Tauglichkeitsrichtlinien nach JAR-FCL 3
[Dagg] Alternative Fuels and Their Potential Impact on Aviation
[Dagga] Alternate Fuels for use in Commercial Aircraft
[Deid98] Ermittlung der Schadstoffemissionen im Unter- und Überschallflug
[DFS01] Maßnahmen zur Reduktion des Fluglärms
[DLR01a] DLR-Jahresbericht 2000/2001
[DLR01c] Die Kerngebiete des DLR
[DLR02] ESSAI - WP3 Training Analysis
[DLR03b] Partikel aus Flugzeugtriebwerken und ihr Einfluss auf Kondensstreifen, Zirruswolken und Klima (PAZI)
[DLR03e] Verlängerung der Start- und Landebahn C4 Technisches Lärmgutachten - Fluglärm
[DLR03h] Das Forschungsunternehmen DLR-Ziele und Strategien 2003
[DLR04] Cassini - Datenblatt
[DLR04f] Forschungs- und Unternehmensbilanz 2002/2003
[DLR97a] Cassini/Huygens - Mission zum Saturn
[DNA03] The EGNOS Implementation Plan for French Civil Aviation Authorities
[DoD01] GPS Standard Positioning Service Performance Standard
[DoT01d] Runway Safety: It s Everybody s Business
[DVF03] Fakten zum Luftverkehrsstandort Deutschland
[DVWG273] 11. Luftverkehrsforum der DVWG - Luftverkehrsmärkte der Zukunft - Entwicklung des Luftverkehrsraums USA-EU: Welche Chancen hat Deutschland?
[ECTR03u] P-RNAV Approval Guidance Information
[EPA00] Aircraft Contrail Factsheet
[ERA03] Discrimination Against Air Transport-unjustified and unjust
[ESA00b] COF - Columbus Orbital Facility
[ESA01a] Architecture, mission and signal processing aspects of the EGNOS System: the first European implementation of GNSS
[ESA02c] Fact Sheet 9: Flight Trials confirm EGNOS Signal Availability at High Latitudes
[ESA02f] Galileo Applications - Aviation
[ESA02m] Vega - Realising Europe's Small Launcher
[ESA05] The Small Launcher for Europe
[EuKom03an] The Galilei Project-GALILEO Design Consolidation
[EuKom99c] Air Transport and the Environment - Towards meeting the Challenges of Sustainable Development
[FAA00a] FAA Satellite Navigation Programs (WAAS/LAAS Update)
[FAA00b] Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS)
[FAA01b] North American Satellite Augmentation System-NASAS
[FAA02c] Runway Safety Blueprint 2002-2004
[FAA02d] Evaluation of the FAA Runway Safety Program
[FAA03b] What Aircrews Should Know About Their Occupational Exposure to Ionizing Radiation
[FAA04a] FAA Aerospace Forecast-fiscal Years 2004-2015
[FAA04b] Runway Safety Report
[FAA04c] FAROS-Final Approach Runway Occupancy Signal
[FAA04d] Local Area Augmentation System-LAAS
[Fich99] Umweltschutz im zivilen Luftverkehr Ökonomische Analyse von Zielen und Instrumenten
[Harra] The Drivers for Alternative Fuels
[ICAO01] Resolutions Adopted at the 33rd Session of the Assembly - Provisional Edition
[IER03] Ermittlung externer Kosten des Flugverkehrs am Flughafen Frankfurt/Main -Endbericht-
[IseroJ] Fluglärmberechnung und -prognose in Deutschland - eine Bestandsaufnahme nach mehr als 20 Jahren Praxis mit der AzB
[JAA01] The Human Factors Implications for Flight Safety of Recent Developments in the Airline Industry
[JAA02a] FAA/JAA/TCCA Collaborative Research Update
[JCAB03] MTSAT Integrated CNS Conference & Workshop
[Knie96] Wettbewerb in Netzen - Reformpotenziale in den Sektoren Eisenbahn und Luftverkehr
[Koch02b] Gesundheitsberichterstattung des Bundes-Heft02/01-Gesundheitsprobleme bei Fernreisen
[Last03] Is LORAN-C the answer to GPS vulnerability?
[LH2007] Balance
[LR01] Sofia - Ein fliegendes Observatorium
[Mens14] Moderne Flugsicherung, Organisation, Verfahren, Technik
[NASA03d] NASA-Biological and Research Enterprise Strategy
[NATS04] NATS Holdings Limited-Annual Report and Accounts 2004
[NavC01] Runway Incursion Study at NAV CANADA ATS facilities
[NLR00] ESSAI - WP1 Orientation on Situation Awareness and Crisis Management
[OeBe97] Fluglärm: Ein Kompendium für Betroffene
[OECD98] Competition Policy and International Airport Services
[Qine01] ESSAI - WP2: Identification of Factors affecting Situation Awareness and Crisis Management
[RoNa04] Integrated GPS/Loran Prototypes for Aviation Applications
[Roth04a] Enhanced (E) Loran in Telecommunication Applications
[Scherz03] Intermodalität am Flughafen Frankfurt - Auf dem Weg zu einem integrierten Gesamtverkehrssystem Schiene/Luft
[UBA96aa] Ermittlung optimaler Flughöhen und Flugrouten unter dem Aspekt minimaler Klimawirksamkeit
[UT03] The Effects of Quasi-Zenith Satellite System in Urban Environments
[Vadr03] Flight Operational Commonality in Action
[Walth] Aero Engines for Alternative Fuels in Hydrogen and Other Alternative Fuels for Air and Ground Transportation
[Warw04] Subsidy face-off intensifies