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Änderungsdatum: 28.04.2005
European Conference of Ministers of Transport - Europäische Verkehrsminister-Konferenz


The European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT) is an intergovernmental organisation established by a Protocol signed in Brussels on 17 October 1953. It is a forum in which Ministers responsible for transport, and more specifically the inland transport sector, can co-operate on policy. Within this forum, Ministers can openly discuss current problems and agree upon joint approaches aimed at improving the utilisation and at ensuring the rational development of European transport systems of international importance.

As of October 2003, there are 43 full Member countries, 7 Associate countries and 1 Observer country. Twenty-eight of these countries have joined since 1991.

Auszug aus dem Forschungs-Informations-System (FIS) des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur

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